Friday, July 30, 2010


Puasa (bahasa Arab: صوم) secara bahasanya boleh diertikan sebagai menahan diri. Daripada segi istilah syara' bermaksud menahan diri daripada makan atau minum untuk suatu jangkamasa tertentu.

Puasa ertinya menahan diri daripada makan dan minum serta segala perbuatan yang boleh membatalkan puasa, mulai dari terbit fajar sehinggalah terbenam matahari. Umat Islam juga dikehendaki menahan diri daripada menipu, mengeluarkan kata-kata buruk atau sia-sia, serta bertengkar atau bergaduh. Ini kerana puasa merupakan medan latihan memupuk kesabaran, kejujuran serta bertolak ansur sesama sendiri. Secara tidak langsung amalan puasa akan menyuburkan sikap murni di dalam diri pelakunya. Adalah menjadi harapan kita agar kesemua nilai yang baik ini akan terus dipraktikkan ke bulan-bulan berikutnya.


Firman Allah S.W.T:

“ Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, telah diwajibkan ke atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana telah diwajibkan ke atas umat-umat yang sebelum kamu, semoga kamu menjadi orang-orang yang bertaqwa. “ - (Surah Al-Baqarah: 183)

Hadis Rasulullah s.a.w: Ditegaskan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w melalui sabdanya yang diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad, An- Nasa'i dan Al Baihaqi dari Abu Hurairah, yang bermaksud:

" Sesungguhnya telah datang kepada kamu bulan Ramadhan bulan yang penuh berkat. Allah telah fardhukan ke atas kamu berpuasa padanya. Sepanjang bulan Ramadhan itu dibuka segala pintu Syurga dan ditutup segala pintu neraka serta dibelenggu segala syaitan......."

Niat puasa Ramadhan

Tidak wajib dan tidak juga sunat berniat dalam bahasa Arab, memadai dalam bahasa Melayu atau apa-apa bahasa yang kita fahami. Tetapi baik dan berpahala jika diamalkan dalam bahasa Arab dengan niat kita cinta kepada bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dan bahasa Al-Quran.

Lafaz niat

Lafaz setiap malam. Niat ringkas:

نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ رَمَضَانَ لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى

Niatnya: Sahaja aku puasa Ramadhan kerana Allah Taala.

Lafaz lengkap:

نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ غَدٍ أَنْ أَدَاءِ فَرْضِ رَمَضَانَ هَذِهِ السَّنَةِ لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى

Niatnya: Sahaja aku puasa esok hari pada bulan Ramadhan tahun ini kerana Allah Taala.

  • Sebenarnya bangun untuk bersahur itu sudah dikira berniat untuk berpuasa.

Lafaz niat puasa Ramadhan sepenuhnya untuk sebulan:


نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ كِلِّهِ لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى

Niatnya: Sahaja aku berpuasa sebulan Ramadhan tahun ini kerana Allah Taala.

  • Digalakkan berniat puasa untuk sebulan dengan sekali niat pada malam pertama Ramadhan bagi mengelakkan daripada tidak sah puasa kerana terlupa berniat pada malamnya, kita mengikut Imam Malik yang membolehkan berniat untuk sebulan sekali gus.
  • Namun begitu, jika puasa Ramadhan kita terputus oleh sesuatu sebab, seperti haidh, sakit atau lain-lain, maka niat puasa sebulan itu tidak lagi memadai untuk hari-hari puasa yang seterusnya, tetapi, hendaklah diperbaharui niat apabila tidak ada lagi perkara yang menghalang daripada puasa berturut-turut tersebut. Maksudnya, dengan memperbaharui niat sekali lagi bagi semua hari-hari puasa Ramadhan yang berbaki, iaitu niatnya:
“Sahaja aku berpuasa esok dan sehingga akhir Ramadhan ini kerana Allah Ta’ala”.

Waktu berniat

Waktu berniat bermula daripada terbenam matahari, yakni masuk waktu sembahyang fardhu Maghrib hinggalah sebelum terbit fajar shadiq (waktu Subuh). Oleh itu, bolehlah dilakukan niat puasa pada mana-mana bahagian daripada waktu tersebut, walaupun semasa berbuka.

Hukum puasa

Puasa Wajib

  1. Puasa di bulan Ramadhan merupakan salah satu daripada Rukun Islam. Syariat puasa Ramadhan difardhukan kepada umat Muhammad s.a.w. pada tahun ke-2 Hijrah. Makanya, wajiblah ia dilakukan oleh semua orang Islam.
  2. Puasa Kifarah.
  3. Puasa Nazar.

Puasa Sunat

Hari-hari berikut disunatkan berpuasa bagi umat Islam:

  1. Puasa enam hari pada bulan Syawal
  2. Puasa pada Hari Arafah pada 9 Zulhijjah
  3. Puasa pada Hari Asyura pada 10 Muharam
  4. Puasa pada Hari Isnin dan Khamis

Puasa Haram

Rencana utama: Tempoh haram puasa
  1. Puasa pada Hari Syak pada hari 30 Syaaban
  2. Puasa pada Hari Raya Aidil Fitri pada 1 Syawal
  3. Puasa pada Hari Raya Aidil Adha pada 10 Zulhijjah
  4. Puasa pada Hari Tasyrik pada 11, 12, 13 Zulhijjah
  5. Puasa perempuan haid & Nifas
  6. Puasa sunat seorang perempuan tanpa izin suaminya
  7. Puasa bagi orang yang bimbang berlakunya mudharat ke atas dirinya kerana berpuasa
  8. Puasa untuk orang lain dan yang ghaib serta tidak diniatkan kepada Allah SWT

Syarat wajib puasa

Orang-orang Islam yang memenuhi syarat-syarat di bawah ini diwajibkan berpuasa pada bulan Ramadhan:

  • Berakal/waras
  • Baligh (cukup umur)
  • Mampu/tidak uzur.

Syarat sah puasa

Manakala syarat puasa itu diterima di dalam Islam (sah) ialah:

  • Orang Islam
  • Berakal - tidak sah jika gila atau kanak2 belum mumayyiz
  • Suci daripada haid dan nifas
  • Dalam waktu yang dibolehkan berpuasa, iaitu bukan dalam tempoh haram puasa.

Rukun puasa

Rukun puasa ada dua, iaitu:

  • Berniat pada malam harinya
  • Menahan diri dari perkara-perkara yang membatalkan puasa mulai terbit fajar hingga terbenam matahari.

Sunat puasa

Perkara-perkara berikut disunatkan ketika berpuasa:

  • Makan sahur serta melambatkannya
  • Menyegerakan berbuka dan sunat berbuka dengan buah kurma atau benda-benda yang manis atau air
  • Menjamu orang-orang berbuka puasa
  • Memperbanyakkan ibadah dan berbuat kebaikan.

Perkara yang membatalkan puasa

Manakala perkara-perkara berikut akan membatalkan puasa jika terjadi:

  • Makan dan minum dengan sengaja walaupun pada nilaian dan kadaran yang sedikit pun,seperti memakan saki baki makanan kecil yang terlekat pada celah gigi dan lain-lain lagi.
  • Muntah dengan sengaja
  • Bersetubuh atau keluar air mani dengan sengaja
  • Keluar darah haid atau nifas
  • Gila (hilang akal)
  • Pitam(termasuk pengsan) atau mabuk sepanjang hari.
  • Merokok disiang hari.(Termasuk menghisap ganja atau dadah)
  • Murtad (keluar dari Islam)
  • Memasukkan sesuatu ke dalam rongga terbuka seperti menyembur pewangi atau menyegar mulut dan sebagainya.Larangan ini tidak termasuk memasukkan air atau udara kedalam rongga terbuka kerana ingin berwuduk atau melegakan kesakitan dan ketidakselesaan pada rongga(dengan syarat air tersebut tidak diminum atau ditelan dengan sengaja).

Mereka yang diizinkan berbuka

Terdapat kelonggaran (harus) kepada golongan yang berikut untuk berbuka:

  • Orang yang sakit .
  • Orang yang berkerja buruh.
  • Orang yang dalam musafir (perjalanan).
  • Orang tua yang sudah lemah.
  • Orang yang hamil dan ibu yang menyusukan anak.

Doa buka puasa

اللهم لك صمت وبك امنت وعلى رزقك أفطرت
Ya Allah, Aku telah berpuasa untuk Kau dan pada Kaulah aku mempercayai dan aku membuka puasa dengan apa yang Kau berikan

Tingkatan Puasa

Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali dalam bukunya Ihya al-'Ulumuddin telah membahagikan puasa itu kepada 3 tingkatan:

  1. Puasanya orang awam (shaum al-'umum): menahan diri dari perkara-perkara yang membatalkan puasa seperti makan dan minum.
  2. Puasanya orang khusus (shaum al-khusus): turut berpuasa dari panca indera dan seluruh badan dari segala bentuk dosa.
  3. Puasanya orang istimewa, super khusus (shaum al-khawasi al-khawas): turut berpuasa 'hati nurani', iaitu tidak memikirkan sangat soal keduniaan

Pembahagian di atas memberikan umat Islam ruang untuk berfikir dan menelaah tingkat manakah mereka berada.

Kerugian meninggalkan puasa Ramadhan

Pahala puasa Ramadhan amat besar. Orang yang meninggalkan puasa dengan sengaja, bukan saja telah melakukan satu dosa besar, bahkan dia mengalami satu kerugian yang amat besar, satu hari puasa yang ditinggalkan tersebut tidak boleh ditebus dengan apa jua cara, tidak boleh ditukar ganti, sekalipun orang yang meninggalkannya berpuasa seumur hidupnya. Ini jelas sebagaimana sabda Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam: Maksudnya: “Sesiapa berbuka satu hari pada bulan Ramadhan tanpa ada rukhshah (uzur syarak) dan tidak juga kerana sakit, dia tidak akan dapat menggantikan puasa yang ditinggalkannya itu, sekalipun dia berpuasa seumur hidup.” (Hadis riwayat Tirmidzi, Abu Daud, Nasa’i, Ibnu Majah dan Ibnu Khuzaimah).


    Sempena bulan Ramadan yang mulia yang bakal menjelma ini, marilah kita merenung sebentar fadhilat-fadhilat di bulan yang mulia ini. Semoga ianya dapat memberi keberkatan kepada semua.........
  • Daripada Anas (r.a), Katanya: Bersabda Nabi (s.a.w) : Tiada daripada seorang hamba apabila melihat ia sehari bulan Ramadan lantas dia memuji Allah ( kerana kedatangan bulan rahmat dengan kelebihan dan keistimewaanya) kemudian dibacanya Al-Fatihah tujuh kali, melainkan diafiatkan Allah daripada sakit matanya pada bulan ini.
  • Kelebihan bulan Ramadan dan keagungannya dengan adanya malam Lailatul Qadar yang dirahsiakan, sehingga mendapat keampunan dan pahala serta darjat dan darjah tertinggi bagi orang yang berjaya mendapatkan malam Lailatul Qadar dengan dipenuhi amal ibadah dan bertaqwa kepada Allah, disamping sembahyangnya yang sunat , istiqfar, tasbih dan berzikir sepenuhnya.
  • Berkata Saidina Ali, Nabi (s.a.w) telah bersabda apabila engkau melihat sehari bulan maka bacalah olehmu "AllahuAkbar" 3 kali, kemudian bacalah :

    1. (Segala kepujian bagi Allah yang telah menjadikan aku dan telah menjadikan engkau, dan telah menentukan bagi engkau pangkat-pangkat (darjah) dan telah menjadikan engkau tanda (kekuasaan) bagi sekalian alam) nescaya bermegah Allah akan Dia dengan malaikat dan firmanNya: Hai malaikat! saksikanlah kamu, bahwa Aku telah merdekakan daripada api neraka, atau dibacakan :

      (Ya Allah, zahirlah Ramadan atas kami dengan keamanan dan keimanan dan dengan keselamatan dan keIslaman, Tuhanku dan Tuhan engkau Allah.)
  • Bersabda Nabi (s.a.w) : Bahawa syurga berlenggang-lenggang ia dan berhias dari setahun ke setahun kerana masuknya bulan Ramadan. Pada awal malam bulan Ramadan bertiup angin di bawah Arasy bergeraklah daun kayu lemah-longlainya di dalam syurga. Terdengarlah desiran daun-daun kayu, hembusan sang bayu syurga yang teramat indahnya.Seni rentak lagunya menawan seluruh perasaan nurani. Maka berhiaslah bidadari sekaliannya lalu berdirilah di atas puncak mercu syurga itu. Lantas bersuaralah bidadari : Adakah orang yang hendak meminang kami kepada Allah, kata bidadari pula: Apakah malam ini namanya? jawab Malek Ridwan (malaikat), Hai bidadari yang cantik manis, inilah malam awal Ramadhan, Lalu Allah berfirman: Hai Ramadan bukalah pintu syurga Bab AlJanan untuk orang-orang yang berpuasa daripada umat Muhammad (s.a.w). Hai Malek Ridwan tutuplah pintu neraka Al-Jahim daripada umat Muhammad (s.a.w), hai Jibrail belenggukan syaitan, lontarkannya ke dalam lautan supaya tidak membinasakan umat Muhammad akan puasanya. Maka berfirman Allah pada tiap-tiap malam Ramadan tiga kali : Adakah orang yang meminta ampun? Akan Aku ampunkan!
  • Pada malam Lailatul Qadar menyuruh Allah Ta'ala akan Jibrail Alaihisalam turun ke bumi, lalu turunlah Jibrail ke dalam perhimpunan malaikat ke bumi bersamanya bendera hijau lalu dipacakkan ke atas Kaabah, baginya 600 sayapnya , setengahnya tiada dibuka keduanya, melainkan pada malam Lailatul Qadar baharulah dibukakan keduanya, hingga sampai dari timur ke barat ( Musyriq Ke Maghrib ). Untuk menyelamatkan umat Muhammad, Lalu memberi salam kepada tiap orang yang berjaga pada malam Lailatul Qadar beribadah kerana mencari keredaan Allah, dan orang-orang yang duduk beribadah, orang yang sembahyang dan berzikir dan berjabat tangan sesama mereka mukmin dan mengucap amin doa orang-orang mukmin hingga terbit fajar subuh....... berkata para malaikat kepada Jibrail , apakah Allah berikan pada hajat orang mukmin dari umat Muhammad (s.a.w) pada bulan Ramadan ini? Berkata Jibrail bahawasanya Allah menilik kepada umat Muhammad yang berpuasa dan beribadah padanya dan dimaafkan mereka, diampunkan dosa-dosa mereka, melainkan empat orang yang tiada diampunkan dosanya: yaitu orang yang kekal minum arak, orang yang derhakakan ibubapanya, orang yang memutuskan sillaturrahim dan orang yang tidak bercakap dengan saudaranya lebih dari 3 hari.
  • Apabila pada malam akhir Ramadan dinamakan malam persalinan. Pada malam hari raya Aidilfitri didatangkan Allah malaikat kepada tiap-tiap negeri turunlah mereka ke bumi, berdiri pada permukaan jalan menyeru dengan suara yang kuat, semua mendengarnya kecuali jin dan manusia berkata mereka, hai umat Muhammad keluarlah kamu menghadap tuhan yang amat mulia (sembahyang raya di pagi raya) yang memberi pemberian yang berpanjangan dan mengampun akan dosa-dosa yang besar. Apabila tibalah umat Muhammad ke tempat sembahyang, firman Allah kepada maliakat : Hai malaikatKu, apakah balasan orang yang mengambil upah apabila selesai kerjanya ? Jawab malaikat , hai Tuhan kami, sempurnakanlah upahnya! Firman Allah bahawa Aku saksikan kamu hai malaikatku, telah aku jadikan pahala mereka dari puasa mereka pada bulan Ramadan mereka mendirikan sembahyang, ialah keredaanKu dan keampunanKu kepada mereka! Maka firmannya lagi : Hai segala hambaku, pohonlah kamu kepada ku, maka demi ketinggianku dan kebesaranku, tiada memohon kepadaku hari ini akak sesuatu bagi agamamu dan duniamu, melainkan Aku kurniakan kepadamu! (Al-Hadith).
  • Sabda Nabi (s.a.w) : Diberi kepada umatku lima perkara yang belum pernah diberi kepada umat-umat dahulu sebelumnya :
    • a) Bau mulut orang berpuasa lebih harum daripada kasturi di sisi Allah
    • b) Segala perbelanjaan dan derita lapar selama puasanya adalah syurga balasannya.
    • c) Diampunkan dosa-dosa mereka pada malam Lailatul Qadar.
    • d) Amalan yang dilakukan pada bulan Ramadan digandakan kepada 10 hingga 700 kali ganda, melainkan puasa maka ianya bagiKu, Aku balas kepadanya yang berkuasa menahan syahwatnya, makan minumnnya kerana Aku.
    • e) Dan mereka dikurniakan nikmat kepada mereka keseronokkan ketika berbuka dan ketika menemui tuhan di akhirat.(Al-Hadith)
  • Sabda Nabi (s.a.w) : Menunaikan yang sunat diberi balasan pahala fardhu, dan amal fardhu diberi balasan 70 kali ganda. Bulan puasa adalah bulan sabar (sabar dalam berbuat taat kepadaNya.), dan sabar itu adalah syurga balasannya bulan ini dilebihkan rezeki kepada hambanya orang mukmin, diampunkan baginya dosa-dosa. Barang siapa memberi makan kepada orang berpuasa pahalanya seperti memerdekakan hamba dan diampunkan dosanya, berkata sahabat : Bagaimana kami tak sanggup memberi makan orang yang berpuasa (berbuka puasa) ya Rasullullah - Allah memberi pahala ini kepada orang yang memberi seteguk susu atau sebiji kurma atau segelas air, barang siapa kenyangkan orang berpuasa diampunkan Tuhan dosanya, diminumkan Tuhan dari kolam Hudh sejenis minuman yang tiada dahaga lagi kemudiannya hingga masuk ia ke syurga dan pahalanya seperti pahala orang berpuasa. (Al-Hadith)
  • Puasa menurut segala yang disuruh dan menjauh segala pantang larangannya, diampunkan dosanya, dan bertasbih, bertahlil dibinakan rumah indah dalam syurga.
  • Barang siapa hadir ke dalam majlis zikir pada bulan Ramadan, ditulis tiap langkahnya ibadat setahun, dan pada hari Qiamat bersamaku di bawah Arasy. Siapa tetap berjemaah dalam bulan puasa didirikan kota bercahaya indah, cemerlangnya , dan yang berbakti kepada ibubapanya Allah memandang rahmat kepadanya, dan isteri yang berbuat sesuatu mencari keredaan suaminya, maka pahala yang besar Allah kurniakan kepadanya , seperti Siti Maryam dan siapa yang menyampaikan hajat orang mukmin, Allah menunaikan seribu hajatnya, dan siapa bersedekah kepada fakir miskin (yang ada anak isteri) tiap langkah dikurniakan kepadanya seribu kebajikan, dihapuskan seribu kejahatan dan diangkatkan seribu darjat baginya. (Al-Hadith).
  • Orang yang sembahyang bulan Ramadan tiap sekali sujud, dikurniakan kepadanya 1700 kebajikan, dan dibinakan rumah didalam syurga daripada permata bagi orang yang berpuasa dan beribadat, 75000 malaikat meminta ampun baginya dari pagi hingga tenggelam matahari, dan dibina sebuah mahligai baginya . (Al-Hadith)
  • Pada hari Qiamat, Allah memerintah Malek Ridwan supaya dikeluarkan orang-orang berpuasa daripada kuburnya dengan keadaan lapar dan dahaga, lalu disuruh Malek Ridwan berikan segala keinginan mereka dari segala macam makanan dan minuman syurga. Maka Malek Ridwan memerintah kepada anak-anak membawa talam-talam makanan , minuman dan buah-buahan. Sebagai balasan berlapar di bulan Ramadan. (A-Hadith)
  • Orang mukmin yang tidur dalam bulan puasa kerana puasa Ramadan, dia membalikkan badannya sambil meyebut Allah! maka kata malaikat kepadanya : Rahimakallah (Allah Mencucuri Rahmat kepada kamu.)
    • - Apabila dia berdiri maka berdoalah hamparannya : (Wahai Tuhanku, kurniakanlah kepadanya hamparan permaidani tebal kepadanya di dalam syurga)
    • - Apabila memakai pakaian , berdoalah pakaian (Wahai Tuhanku, kurniakan kepadanya pakaian syurga)
    • - Apabila memakai kasut, berdoalah kasut (Wahai Tuhanku, tetapkanlah atas titian Siratul Mustaqim!)
    • - Apabila memegang timba berdoalah pula timba : (Wahai Tuhanku kurniakan kepadanya gelas syurga!)

    • - Apabila mengambil air sembahyang , berdoalah air itu : (Wahai Tuhanku sucikannya daripada segala dosa dan kesalahan!)

    • - Apabila berdiri sembahyang , berdoalah rumahnya: ( Wahai Tuhanku cahayakanlah kuburnya dan luaskanlah , lapangkanlah kuburnya!)

    • Serta menilik Allah kepadanya , maksudnya : HambaKu berdoa dan Aku menerima! (Al-Hadith)
  • Malaikat yang banyak muka bersujud kepada Allah pada hari Qiamat, satu muka sujud , satu muka melihat syurga, satu muka melihat neraka, satu muka melihat Arasy , lalu berkata malaikat itu : Wahai Tuhanku , ampunlah umat Muhammad, kasihanilah mereka! janganlah disiksa orang yang berpuasa Ramadan dari umat Muhammad! (Al-Hadith)

    • Keredaan Allah (bagi orang yang taat)
    • Keampuan Allah (bagi orang yang maksiat)
    • Jaminan Allah (bagi orang yang taat)
    • Kejinakan Allah (bagi orang yang tawakkal)
    • Anugerah Allah (bagi orang yang benar).
      • Ramadan, Ramada, ertinya : membakar - yakni menghapuskan dosa dosa orang yang berpuasa dan beribadat bulan Ramadan.
      • Ramadan ertinya bulan mendapatkan keredhaan Allah dan keampunan bagi hambaNya. Orang yang mendapat keredhaan dan keampunan Allah bererti memberi jaminan (kerana ibadatnya pada bulan mulia dengan penuh taat) mendapat syurga anugerah Allah bagi hambaNya yang benar benar melakukan ibadat kerana Nya pada bulan Ramadan termulia ini dengan ganjaran pahala sehingga seribu kali ganda dan keampunan yang banyak sekali, teristimewa pada malam Lailatul Qadar.

    • "Bahawa di dalam syurga terdapat bilik bilik, dilihat dari luar nampak di dalamnya dan dilihat dari dalam kelihatan di luarnya, berkata sahabat : untuk siapakah ya Rasulullah? Lantas Baginda menjawab : Ialah bagi orang yang baik percakapannya, bagi orang yang memberi makan makanan, bagi orang yang sentiasa berpuasa, bagi orang yang sembahyang di tengah malam sedang manusia banyak tidur." (Al Hadith)

    • "Semulia mulia sedeqah ialah sedeqah pada bulan Ramadhan." (Al Hadith)

    • "Puasa itu perisai dan sedeqah itu memadam kesalahan dosa sepertimana air memadamkan api." (Al Hadith)

    • "Siapa memberi makan ( berbuka puasa) kepada orang puasa makan baginya seumpama balasan pahala orang yang berpuasa dengan tidak kurang sedikitpun ." (Al Hadith)
  • Sabda Nabi (s.a.w) : Tiada daripada seorang hamba berpuasa Ramadan, diam tiada berkata yang sia sia dan daripada yang haram dan yang makruh, dan sentiasa menyebut Allah (berzikrullah), menghalalkan yang dihalalkan Allah, mengharamkan akan yang diharamkan Allah, tiada mengerjakan kejahatan, melainkan sehingga berakhir Ramadan, telah diampunkan baginya segala dosanya, dan tiap tasbih, tiap tahlil, dibinakan sebuah rumah yang terindah di dalam syurga daripada permata zamrud, di dalamnya daripada yaqut merah indah, di dalam rangka permata itu (yaqut) terdapat sebuah khemah, di dalamnya terdapat bidadari ( hurul ain isteri syurga). Terhias dengan permata bercahaya indah yang menerangkan bumi seluruhnya.(Al Hadith)
  • Sabda Nabi (s.a.w) : Bahawasanya bagi Allah beberapa kejadianNya, dijadikan mereka supaya menyampaikan segala hajat orang dan supaya orang meminta tolong kepada Nya, pada menyempurnakan segala hajat yang diperlukan, mereka itulah orang yang aman daripada siksa Allah (Riwayat At Tibrani) (Al-Hadith)
  • Sabda Nabi (s.a.w) : Bahawa pintu langit dan pintu syurga dibuka pada awal Ramadan hingga akhir malam Ramadan, tiap orang yang bersembahyang pada malamnya dituliskan baginya tiap satu sujud 1700 kebajikan, dibina rumah baginya di dalam syurga daripada yaqut merah indah, baginya 70 pintu daripada emas yang bertatah yaqut permata yang merah, orang yang berpuasa pada awal Ramadan diampunkan segala dosanya hingga ke akhir bulan Ramadan, dibinakan baginya tiap tiap hari sebuah mahligai di dalam syurga, mempunya 1000 pintu daripa emas, dan meminta ampun baginya 70 000 malaikat dari pagi hingga tenggelam matahari (Al Hadith)
  • Sabda Nabi (s.a.w) : Kelebihan hari Jumaat pada bulan Ramadan atas segala hari yang lainnya seperti kelebihan Ramadan atas segala bulan (Al Hadith)
  • Barangsiapa mengerjakan ibadat pada bulan Ramadan dengan keimanannya dan ikhlasnya kerana Allah, maka di ampunkan segala dosanya yang telah lalu (Al Hadith)
  • Sabda Nabi (s.a.w) : Tidur orang yang berpuasa itu adalah ibadat, dan nafasnya itu adalah tasbih, doanya itu mustajab, dosanya diampunkan Allah, dan amal ibadatnya dilipatgandakan . (Al Hadith)
  • Apabila berakhir bulan Ramadan, menangis wali-wali Allah kerana terpisahnya bulan yang paling mulia yang digandakan ibadat berlipatkali ganda daripada bulan bulan yang lainnya, bulan Allah mudah menerima ampun taubat hambaNya, bulan yang banyak sekali diturun rahmat ke alam, bulan yang terdapat padanya malam Lailatul Qadar, suatu rahmat dan rahsia yang dikurniakan kepada hamba hamba Nya yang salihin, yang tidak terdapat pada bulan bulan yang lainnya. Mereka menangis kerana belum tentu akan dapat menemui bulan termulia ini pada tahun tahun hadapan, kiranya dipanjangkan umur.
  • Apabila berakhirlah malam bulan Ramadan, menangislah tujuh petala langit dan tujuh petala bumi, dan segala malaikat, jerana berlalu Ramadan berlalulah kelebihan, sebab musibah bagi umatku, dan duduk segala malaikat bagi musibah, orang bertanya : Ya Rasullullah, apa itu musibah ? Jawab rasullullah (s.a.w), Kerana segala doa padaNya itu mustajab, sedakah makbul, segala kebajikan digandakan dan siksa kubur diangkat, maka apakah musibah yang terlebih besar daripada ini bagi umatku?! (Al-Hadith)
  • Malam Lailatul Qadar adalah malam rahsia, yang turunnya padanya malaikat Jibrail dan beberapa malaikat dengan perintah Allah. Orang yang berjaga dengan malam ibadatnya untuk mendapatkan malam Lailatul Qadar yang terahsia itu yang tidak diketahui oleh manusia, hanya orang-orang solihin yang hampir, orang berusaha mendapatkan malam mulia itu dengan berjaga malam pada sepuloh malam Ramadan yang terakhir maka diampunkan tuhan segala dosanya. Di pahalakannya dengan banyak , dirahmatkannya dengan limpah kurnia. Dan orang-orang solihin yang dikurniakan Allah mendapat malam Lailatul Qadar itu satu keberuntungan kebahagiaan bagi akhirat, mendapat keampunan dan rahmat terbesar, mendapat pimpinan Allah dalam hatinya, mendapat keredaan Allah dalam hidupnya dunia dan akhirat.
  • Malam Aidilfitri, malam raya, disunatkan kepada kita berjaga malam, beribadah, bertakbir "AllahuAkbar" sepanjang malamnya. Akan mendapat keampunan yang banyak, pahala yang besar, rahmat Allah tercurah kepadanya. Siapa yang menghidupkan dua malam raya (AidilFitri & AidilAdha) dengan ibadatnya dan takbirnya , tiada dimatikan hatinya pada hari yang dimatikan segala hati. (Al-Hadith).

Petikan dari buku Fadilat Rejab, Syaaban, Ramadan oleh Budiman Radhi

Thursday, July 29, 2010


"Bila ALLAH makbulkan d0amu, maka DIA menyayangimu, bila DIA lambat makbulkan d0amu, maka DIA ingin mengujimu, bila DIA tidak makbulkan d0amu, maka DIA merancang sesuatu yang terbaik untukmu. 0leh itu, sentiasalah bersangka baik pada ALLAH dalam apa jua keadaan...kerana kasih sayang ALLAH itu mendahului kemurkaanNya" Wallahua'lam...

Terima Kasih Di Atas Kata-kata Perangsang Sahabatku Ini

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Many people don't realize their rabbit is pregnant until she begins to have babies. But there are a few signs to look for that might give you an idea before then:

    • your rabbit begins to gather hay in her mouth
    • your rabbit puts on a lot of weight in the abdomen
    • your rabbit starts to dig in her feed bowl
    • you see movement in your rabbit's abdomen
    • your rabbit starts to pluck fur from her legs, abdomen, and sometimes back

None of these is sufficient to diagnose pregnancy. Rabbits do have false pregnancies, gain weight, and dig in the bowls for other reasons. And, conversely, many pregnant does show no signs of pregnancies until a few minutes before they are ready to kindle.

About 11 to 15 days after breeding, an experienced breeder can palpate a doe and often determine whether she is pregnant. It's definitely possible to miss the small fetuses or to detect fetuses that fail to mature.

By about day 27 or 28, it is possible to feel the fetuses once more in the abdomen. It takes much less skill at this point to feel the babies, but it does help you if you know what an non-pregnant doe feels like.

What To Do

Unless your doe is underfed, there is no need to increase her feed during pregnancy, though some breeders will increase it during the last week. The exception is for very large breeds that produce huge litters. I do not increase the feed for my Hollands when they are pregnant.

If you know when your doe was bred, place a kindling box into her cage on day 28. She is due on day 31. Yes, it is just 31 days from breeding to kindling!

If you don't know when or whether she was bred, place the kindling box into her cage now. Be sure to keep an eye on her because does will use the nest box as a litter box if it is placed too soon. You will need to clean the hay as needed.

You can fill the box with hay or straw. Or, you can place the hay or straw into her cage and she will make the nest herself.

You can make your own nest boxes. Or, you can order them from an on-line rabbit supply company such as Bass Equipment Company.

You can read more about caring for newborns at The Nature Trail Rabbitry.

False Alarm

Once you are sure that your doe has not been with a male for at least 35 days, you can assume that the pregnancy was a false alarm.



Rabbits can act as if they're hardy creatures, but they are, in fact, extremely delicate-from their skin to their spines to their external systems. Care must be taken to maintain their good health. The following basics are necessary to know in order to groom rabbits safely and to help keep them healthy. For information specifically geared towards the caring for long-haired rabbits, see the reprint of the House Rabbit Journal article, "The Well-Groomed Rabbit."


Rabbits shed every 3 months. Every alternate time they'll have a light shedding that may not be very noticeable. Next they'll have a heavy shedding that you will not be able to escape.

Rabbits are fastidious groomers. They insist on being clean & tidy and will lick themselves like cats, and like cats, they can get hairballs if they ingest too much hair. Unlike cats however, rabbits cannot vomit. If hairballs are allowed to form they can become gigantic masses of tangled hair & food and will block the stomach exit, causing the rabbit to starve to death while his stomach appears to be very fat.

Rabbits need to be brushed at least weekly. In addition to removing any loose hair, this weekly brushing session helps prepare them for the multiple daily brushings that they must undergo when their heavy shedding begins. Rabbits will shed in different ways. Some rabbits will take a couple of weeks or more to loose their old coat of fur. Other rabbits will be ready to get rid of their old coats all in one day and these rabbits are the ones that cannot be neglected once they start shedding. You can often remove a very large percentage of hair by just pulling it out with your hand. But, however you remove it, remove it as soon as possible or your rabbit will do it during grooming.

Bald spots on rabbits are quite common when they are shedding. I have one Angora rabbit for instance, that gets totally naked except for her face and feet. But, short haired rabbits can do the same thing. If these bald spots occur from shedding, they will begin to grow back within a week or two.

Long Haired Rabbits

These types of rabbits are truly wonderful to look at, but require a lot more attention than their short haired cousins. We recommend that you use your scissors and keep their hair trimmed to one inch or less, otherwise you may be fighting hairballs most of the time.

EXPERT HELP: If you are not comfortable with the above you can have someone, maybe your veterinarian, show you how to do all of the above tasks.

Fleas and Mites

Safe treatments to prevent and kill fleas on rabbits include Advantage (imidocloprid), Program (lufenuron) and Revolution (selamectin). The latter is preferred, as it is also effective against various types of mites that cause symptoms of mange, ear canker, and "dandruff" (which is often caused by fur mites in the genus Cheyletiella). These products are available from your rabbit-savvy veterinarian. We use .4ml per rabbit of Advantage. For Revolution, we use the kitten dose and apply it between the shoulder blades once a month for at least three doses. Revolution is usually dosed at 6mg/kg. If you have the 60mg/ml solution (ie the kitten solution), use 0.1cc per kg of body weight (1kg = 2.2lb). If you have the 120mg/ml solution, use 0.05cc per kg of body weight. You'll need a tuberculin syryinge (no needle!) from your vet to measure such a small quantity of liquid. Apply to the back of the neck or other area where the bunny can't readily groom it off. It is essential to thoroughly clean your rabbit's cage and exercise areas after each treatment to control reinfestation, since fur and dander in the environment may contain mite eggs.

A flea comb is a non-toxic device that takes more patience, but is both physically and psychologically rewarding. Most rabbits learn to love the attention of being flea combed, and it can be used as a supplement to your main flea-control program.

The following products should NOT be used on rabbits:

  • Frontline (fipronil) has been linked to neurological damage and death in rabbits, although this product is apparently safe for dogs and cats. The manufacturer (Merial) has placed a warning on the Frontline label stating that Frontline should never be used on rabbits.
  • Flea powders, even those considered safe for cats and kittens or advertised as "rabbit safe", are not recommended for use on rabbits.
  • Flea shampoos, even those considered safe for cats and kittens or advertised as "rabbit safe", are not recommended for use on rabbits. Bathing of rabbits, in general, is strongly discouraged because the stress of the bath itself can cause serious health problems, and has in some cases been linked to the death of the rabbit. Flea baths or dips are NOT recommended for this reason.
  • For environmental flea control, sprays and "bombs" are not recommended, as they may leave harmful residue that the rabbit can ingest. Safer alternatives include borax and diatomaceous earth, worked into the carpet where fleas leave their eggs.


    Although a rare bunny may grow up swimming in the family pool and going on camping trips where she paddles around in the lake, the vast majority of rabbits, like their ancestors, do not relish getting wet. Even an occasional bath is quite stressful to the average rabbit, and is not recommended.
    NEVER--unless your veterinarian advises it to bring down a fever--should you give a sick rabbit a bath. Because seemingly healthy rabbits can have undiagnosed problems, it's best not to subject them to the stress of a bath. If your rabbit is very badly infested with fleas, there's a good chance that he is already compromised and may go into shock when bathed. There are many safe alternatives to flea control (see these under "Fleas," above). Also, a thoroughly wet rabbit takes a very long time to dry, so spot cleaning the dirty area with an application of baby cornstarch (available at any supermarket in the baby section) (do not use talcum, as it is carcinogenic) and then gently combing out the dirt with a fine flea comb is better than a wet bath.
    A wet rabbit can quickly become hypothermic. If your rabbit is wet to the skin for any reason, be sure to thoroughly blow dry the bunny until even the undercoat is dry and fluffy. Normal rabbit body temperature ranges from 101oF - 103oF. Because rabbit skin is very delicate, and rabbits are sensitive to heat, never use a blow dryer on a setting higher than "warm," and constantly monitor the temperature of the air on the bunny's skin by placing your hand in its path.


    Rabbit skin is delicate and highly susceptible to cuts, so mats should not be cut off with scissors. Instead, use a mat splitter or mat rake to take the mass apart. Bunny fur usually requires a finer blade than most cats and dogs.


    Scratchy, flaky skin with bald patches is usually a symptom of mites or, more rarely, an allergic reaction to fleas. Products described under "Fleas" will usually clear up such problems. A veterinarian should be consulted for such conditions as open sores, or chronic skin inflammation.


    House rabbits who spend all of their time in homes with carpeting and linoleum periodically need to have their toenails trimmed, in the same way as dogs and cats.

    Because of risk of infection, declawing is definitely NOT recommended for rabbits.

    If excessive digging or scratching is a problem, then a large box of hay or straw, where bunny can pursue these activities, may help.

    If the padding (fur) on the feet is worn down, exposing inflamed or callused skin, then soft dry resting pads (rugs) should be provided. Exposed skin that becomes urine burned or broken is very likely to infect. Take extra care that rugs and litterboxes are kept clean and dry.


    A rabbit with a urinary infection or a disabled older rabbit may not be able to project urine away from the body. The result may be saturated fur around the hindquarters. For milder cases, shave the areas that get wet so the skin can dry (remember, rabbit fur takes a long time to dry), rinse the affected areas daily, and follow up with a dusting of baby powder or corn starch. For more infirm cases, disposable baby diapers-turned backwards so the tabs are up-do wonders for keeping the moisture away from the skin. (Huggies Step 2 work well for an 8 pound rabbit.)


    Ear wax can be lifted out with a cotton swab, being careful not to push on wax in the canal, or you can try a mild ear cleaner containing Chlorhexadine, such as Nolvasan Otic. For ear mite infestation, apply a topical medication such as Mitox. The veterinarian may also prescribe Ivermectin.


    Rabbits teeth grow continuously and must be checked to ensure that they are wearing down properly.While you're brushing your rabbit or clipping his nails also look at his teeth to make sure there is not a problem.

    Bunnies with straight teeth will keep them worn down with everyday gnawing and chewing. Buns with malocclusions, or crooked teeth, will need to have their teeth kept trimmed with guillotine-type clippers. If this occurs and is left untreated, the rabbit will not be able to eat and could starve to death. Your veterinarian can show you how to clip a rabbits teeth or they can clip them for you.


    Rabbits nails can grow to be very long and sharp and will be uncomfortable for the rabbit. If the rabbit has light colored nails they are very easy to trim. You can see the blood inside the nail and you clip just before that point. The dark colored nails are harder to see where they should be clipped but it is still visible.

    People are often afraid to clip nails for fear that they will cause the rabbit to bleed. You can purchase a product called Kwik Stop to keep on hand for this problem, but I've found that just holding pressure with a cotton ball works better for me. Your veterinarian will also clip nails for you. They should be checked every 6-8 weeks.


    Watery eyes or and eye discharge needs to be diagnosed by a vet. In addition to any medications or eye drops, the cheek needs to be kept dry and clean so the area will not become chafed nor the fur peel off. Clean tissues will absorb mild wetness. Ophthalmic saline solution (what people use with their contacts) carefully poured onto the cheek will crystallize the tears so that they can be removed with a clean flea comb. A touch of prescription anesthetic powder on a finger can be applied to the area if there are painful lesions.

    Compiled with the assistance of Dr. Carolynn Harvey, DVM


    Angora Grooming

    Jan Rebmann

    My first bunny, Angel, is an English Angora. I got her as a 10 week old baby and assumed that her fur would take care of itself somehow. It took a year and many big unmanageable mats to realize that the fur needed constant attention. She once had 8 inch long fur! I thought it was strange that she never really shed. All the new growth was getting tangled in the old coat and forming mats. I cut the fur short to even out the patches of mats I cut out and discovered that the coat was much more manageable while short. She is also more comfortable with short fur and there is less risk of her ingesting large amounts of long fur when she grooms. So, now I keep it short. I use a small grooming scissors with the ball tip. They are usually advertised as grooming shears for around the mouth, nose and ears of pets.

    I pick up the fur some and put my thumb and forefinger between her skin and the scissors and cut away all over. It looks a little choppy at first, but after a few days the undercoat comes out and it evens out all around. I brush her everyday without fail to remove old fur so that it does not tangle up with the new.

    I have found that using electric clippers is virtually useless as the blades clog constantly with the fine fur and it takes experience and expertise to use them correctly. There is also the risk of inadvertently gouging the skin with clippers.

    So, here are some of the things I learned about angora fur management:
    · Keep the fur short. ½ inch to 1 inch to prevent mats from forming. This also reduces the risk of wool block, the bunny is more comfortable with short fur and she is better able to reach her cecal droppings.

    · Use a sharp scissors with ball tip for safety. Pick up the fur and cut all over, brushing frequently to remove stray snips of fur.

    Brush everyday without fail as part of a routine "snuggle session" to remove loose fur. I use a cat brush with medium black bristles. The very soft bristle brushes don't do the job very well and wire slickers hurt delicate bunny skin by pulling on it too hard.

    · If you encounter a large mat, snip into the mat carefully, pull the mat apart gently with your hands and then use a comb to comb out the fur in the mat while holding the clump at the base by the skin to prevent pulling on and injuring the skin. You can then cut out the long fur that is being combed out. Once the mat is thinner it can be cut out completely.

    · If the bunny has mats very close to the skin, let it grow out some so that it can be more safely cut out.

    · For severe matting work for about an hour a day (or as long as the bunny can tolerate it) in sections on the body. One day work on the cheeks, the next day on the shoulders, etc. Don't overtire your bunny trying to do it all in one sitting.

    · If the bunny is severely matted, she will need to have the mats clipped off with clippers. You should have about 3 clipper blades on hand and change often - as soon as the blade gets warm to the touch. Let one blade cool on a slab of marble that has been put in the freezer or on a stainless steel sink while you use the other. Use #40 or #50 blades only as the #10 will not cut through the angora or other bunny fur. Work for only 20 minutes and then let the bunny rest for 10 minutes. Work for no more than an hour total on the rabbit. Watch very carefully for stress levels in the bunny.

    Since I have 3 angoras I have extensive experience with their grooming. My daughter, the vet tech, helps me clip them when they get matted. Even with all our experience and care, one of my bunnies got so stressed she stopped eating after being clipped and needed fluids and pain meds to get her through. Now we can only clip her for 10 minutes tops at any time. So you must constantly be aware of how the bunny is reacting.

    Do not use a groomer. Your rabbit-savvy vet can do any shaving and clipping needed.

    Wednesday, July 21, 2010


    Rabbits are the most prolific small-farm animals

    Breeding rabbits is not difficult at all, and is a great way to ensure your family has a steady supply of meat. By six months old, rabbits are considered mature. Once a doe is ready to be bred place her in the buck’s cage (never bring the buck to the doe’s cage). It doesn’t take very long, but if the doe resists then remove her after a few minutes and try again the following day. If she continues to resist one particular buck put her in with a different buck.

    Once the deed in done remove the doe and return her to her own cage. Bucks have been known to get edgy after mating and start biting the doe, so don’t leave them together once mating has been accomplished. To ensure the beeding “takes”, place the doe back with the buck for a second time about 12 hours after the first time. Also, don’t be alarmed if the buck shows his joy after mating by falling over and shrieking, it’s perfectly normal...and comical!

    A Nest Box is Important

    Gestation is about one month. After 10 days check the doe by flipping her on her back (holding her like a baby) and feel for the babies which are about marble-sized at this point. A few days before the babies are due put the nest box in the cage. Make sure it contains some clean, dry hay. Soon before giving birth (usually at night) the doe will rearrange the hay and pull her belly fur to build a nest.

    A litter is usually consists of 6 to 10 babies. After the birth, open the nest box and check the babies and remove any that are dead; keep your scent off the babies by wearing gloves. Give the mother a bit of apple to keep her occupied while inspecting her babies.

    It’s important that you keep the nest box clean and after a few weeks you can remove it. The doe can be rebred once the current litter reaches four to five weeks old.

    Once they are weaned (6 to 8 weeks) then you must decide whether to butcher them, keep feeding them to fatten them up, keep some for breeding stock or to sell. Just remember the longer you feed them the more it is going to cost you. By butchering immediately after weaning all feeding will be done by the doe.

    An additional note, don’t remove all the bunnies at the same time. Remove them gradually to allow the doe’s milk to dry up slowly. Also, while the bunnies are still small they can be kept together in one cage, but eventually after a couple of months they will each need their own cage.

    Another part of breeding rabbits is to keep track of which bucks and does have produced which offspring to avoid any chance of inbreeding. Experienced breeders start with two does and two bucks, breeding the progeny of buck one by buck two and visa versa.


    When discussing rabbit breeds we are only looking at those breeds preferred for their meat. For that reason there are a couple of criteria to keep in mind. The giant breeds like the Flemish Giants do produce large fryers with a lot of meat. However, they also have larger bones, so the meat to bone ratio is not as good as some of the smaller breeds.

    The rabbit breeds most commonly raised for meat are the California and the New Zealand White. They are both known for high milk production, ability to be bred frequently, and for producing large litters.

    Good Meat to Bone Ratio

    The California is a meat rabbit developed in the United States. Typically they weigh about 9-10 pounds and have white fur with black nose, ears, feet and tail. They are usually rather plump but have fine bones, meaning there’s a good ratio of meat to bone. A California doe will usually produce a little of 6-8 babies.

    The New Zealand meat rabbits is another breed developed in the United Stated, weighing 10-13 pounds when full grown. Their fur can range from white (thus “New Zealand White”) to red or black. They grow rapidly reaching 4-5 pounds by 8 weeks of age, with a well-muscled body and ears with prominent veins. A New Zealand doe will usually produce a litter of 8-10 babies.

    Two other rabbit breeds bred and raised for their meat are the Champagne D’Argent and the Florida White. The Champagne is a medium length with larger hindquarters and usually weighs between 10 and 15 pounds when mature. On the other hand the Florida White is smaller, only 4-6 pounds and considered a better breed for the fryer market. It is becoming more and more popular with the backyard breeders of meat rabbits.

    Here are just a few facts about the meat produced by rabbits:

    • Cholesterol and fat is lower than pork, beef, turkey or even chicken
    • Rabbit meat is highest in protein %
    • USDA reports that it is the most nutritious meat available
    • A single 10-pound doe can produce 320 pounds of meat per year!
    • With the same about of food and water, rabbits will produce 6 pounds of meat while a cow will produce one pound of meat!
    • Rabbit milk is so nutritious that the babies can double their weight in 6 days. Compared to 14 days for piglets, 47 days for calves and 160 days for human infants.
    • Since meat rabbits live off the ground they are one of the cleanest meats
    • The most productive domestic livestock includes rabbits
    • Rabbit meat is all white
    • Rabbit meat is similar to veal, yet costs about half

    There are links online for finding breeders of the various meat rabbit breeds. Before buying breeding pairs, ask if you can see where they are being raised. Beware though that in an effort to keep down the introduction of disease some breeders will not permit you to tour their facility.


    A little extra space in the garden will grow enough to keep the rabbits fed

    The next question would be what do rabbits eat? Rabbits are herbivores with an efficient digestive system capable of eliminating non-digestible fiber and at the same time fermenting digestible fibers. In the wild rabbits eat a wide range of vegetation such as grass, brush, weeds, shoots, leaves, twigs and bark. Of course we’re all familiar with rabbits and carrots courtesy of Bugs Bunny, but rabbits enjoy other root vegetables, as well as fruits and garden vegetables.

    Aside from the question of what to feed your rabbits you’ll need to know that they should be fed twice a day. Because they like to chew it’s recommended that you use a feeder that hangs on the wall of the hutch. Only feed each rabbit what they will eat in a session and remove any extra afterwards. By feeding a bit less everyday, you will eventually figure out just how much each rabbit will eat to ensure they "clean their plate" without not getting enough to eat

    Rabbit Feed is Nutritious

    Rabbit teeth grow continually so they require fiber to trim their teeth. They should eat fresh vegetables every day along with hay. Most of their diet should consist of a commercially sold feed that consists of a formulated rabbit food that will provide all of the nutrition that your rabbits need. It can be purchased from your local feed store in 50 lb. bags and will usually store well for a good six months.

    Alfalfa hay is a great supplement to a rabbit’s diet, but should never be the primary food. Another advantage of alfalfa is that chewing it helps to wear down the rabbit’s teeth. If you plan on foregoing commercial feed in favor of hay, garden produce and kitchen scraps, then you’ll need to keep a salt spool in each hutch.

    In addition to knowing about feeding rabbits, you’ll need to know that it is important to keep their food dry. Many rabbit breeders have learned not to use a bowl that sits on the floor of the cage. Rabbits will soil in their food thus increasing their chances of getting sick. If you pick forage, grasses, etc from the yard during the summer, make sure it is dry. Eating wet forage can give rabbits diarrhea and actually kill them.

    Because rabbits will also soil in a water dish or turn it over, most breeders have learned to use the water bottles that clamp to the wire of the wall of the hutch. It also may be worth the extra cost to get the type of water feeders that open at the top to be refilled, rather than having to remove the bottle and unscrew the nozzle to refill it.

    Once the question of what do rabbits eat has been answered, then you need to decide which breed will be best to raise as meat rabbits.


    A well-built hutch is essential for healthy and safe rabbits

    The first step in raising rabbits is to build a rabbit hutch. Because rabbits are hunted by many animals and birds you will need to build their housing so that it is raised off the ground and sturdy enough to protect the rabbits from coyotes, foxes, wild cats and even the family dog.

    There are a large number and wide variety of plans for how to build a rabbit hutch. However, they all agree that the purpose of the rabbit hutch is to protect the occupants from rain, wind and hot sun, be easy to clean and be at a convenient height for the caregivers.

    Rabbit Hutch Designs

    While some of the basics of rabbit hutch design may differ slightly there is one material common to all designs. That is the use of wire mesh or hardware cloth with a maximum of ½ in. square mesh often used for the floor of the hutch. This is the optimum size to allow urine and droppings to fall through without hurting the rabbits’ feet.

    The sides of the hutch should be open and allow for the free flow of air to keep the rabbits from overheating. The wire mesh for the walls can have bigger holes than the wire cloth used for the floor. One example is chicken wire or mesh, however it is much too thin to be used for the floor of the hutch where it can cause painful feet or allow baby rabbits to fall through.

    Make sure that there is a roof over the rabbit hutches that will protect the rabbits from the rain. The hutches themselves can have a single hinged roof that can be raised to allow access to the inside of the cage. The dimensions of the hutch can range in size from 2’ x 2’ x 2’ on the small size to 3’ square by 18” in height. Size of the hutch will depend upon the size of the rabbits you will be raising.

    The walls should let in plenty of fresh air to keep the rabbits cool in the summer by shield them from harsh winds in the winter. If you don’t build your own rabbit hutch or hutches in an outbuilding, you’ll need to make sure that they are out of the path of the north wind in the winter and shielded from the afternoon sun in the summer.

    Here’s another idea that you might find useful. Since rabbit manure is clean meaning it can be put directly into the garden without being composted, it is a great fertilizer. Some people who raise rabbits have also built bins under the cages to catch the dropping and used that as a medium for raising worms.

    It doesn’t take a lot of expertise to build a rabbit hutch but you do need to do your research. Once you have a rabbit hutch built then it’s time to think about what you’re going to feed your rabbits.


    Rabbits beat chickens in the backyard farm race

    Raising rabbits is often proposed as a way of providing meat in the event of a post-SHTF world. When supermarkets are no longer the source for food, feeding one’s family will entail changing how one “shops”. There will be basically two choices: hunt for food or raise it, or some combination of these two.

    If you are thinking about raising your own meat animals, two that are most often discussed for the small backyard farmer are chickens and rabbits. When comparing cost, efficiency and productivity of the two meat-producers, many prefer rabbits over chickens for the following reasons:

    All About Rabbits

    • A female rabbit (doe) can produce a food to body weight ratio of 1000%
    • Chickens need room to roam, while raising rabbits in confinement is best
    • Chickens require light to reproduce, which rabbits can reproduce anytime
    • Raising rabbit food is easier than raising chicken feed
    • Predators are less of a threat to confined rabbits
    • In the same length of time you can raise one chicken for the table you will have 5 rabbits ready to butcher
    • Rabbit fur can be used for clothing, for bandages and for barter
    • Rabbit poo is a great fertilizer for the garden
    • Live rabbits can be useful as barter items

    If you are considering raising rabbits for food, then there are a few other rabbit facts that you might want to consider:

    • Being small, rabbits can be butchered on an as needed basis, which can be helpful in the event of a lack of refrigeration
    • Rabbits are quiet and won’t attract attention in the event you desire a low profile
    • By 6-8 weeks old a rabbit is “fryer size”, which means if you butcher them as soon are they are weaned, you’ll only be feeding the breeding adults.
    • Rabbits require very little effort to care for; daily - basically a few minutes every morning and evening to feed, water and do a quick wellness check; then monthly a hour or so to clean the cages as well as keeping breeding records
    • Rabbit meat is very lean and considered by many to taste like chicken
    • Butchering rabbits is much easier than chickens as you don’t have the feathers to deal with.

    There are also some problems that are common with rabbits that you should be aware of if you are thinking of raising rabbits. For the most part by keeping a good eye on the rabbits and ensuring they have a clean cage you can prevent many of the problems. However, there are still things to look out for:

    1. Ear mites are quite common, showing up as a scaly growth on the inside of both ears. You can buy a medicine from the vet to clear up the mites. You can also employ a do-it-yourself cure by covering the affected ear by a thin layer of mineral oil. This smothers the mites, killing them. Make sure you take care of the problem as soon as it’s spotted otherwise the rabbit will begin scratching which could lead to cuts and infections.
    2. Sore hocks are caused when the rabbit’s foot gets raw, often caused by standing on a wire floor. Giving them something clean and dry to stand on will allow them to heal.
    3. Cannibalism is when the doe eats her young. Give her two chances and if it continues put her in the stew pot.
    4. All too often rabbits get the sniffles and soon die. The cost of vet bills can be cost prohibitive, so it is often the best policy to just kill the sick rabbit before it infects the others. Make sure you disinfect the cage and all cage accessories before using the cage for another rabbit.

    Monday, July 12, 2010


    Rabbit litter training is generally the first thing you want to know when you have a house rabbit. It's quite easy to do, especially since rabbits tend to go to the toilet in the same place anyway; they like to pick a corner or area and stick to it.


    1. 1
      Get your rabbit spayed or castrated. A fixed rabbit is noticeably less aggressive and easier to train, as it will stop wanting to mate, and mark its territory.

    2. 2
      Watch the rabbit intently when you let it out; as soon as it appears as if it's going to do the toilet you'll need to quickly put it back into the cage. If you get there too late, be sure to still put it back into the cage immediately and if possible put whatever mess has been made in as well. Don't lock the cage however, because you don't want the rabbit to associate the doing the toilet with getting locked in the cage.
    3. 3
      Make sure your rabbit associates doing the toilet with being in the cage; it only takes a couple of days to teach, just be sure you keep an eye on the rabbit so as to put it into the cage immediately after or before (ideally) it does the toilet.
    4. 4
      If you are going to litterbox train your rabbit, get several litterboxes filled with a rabbit safe product, such as paper based litter or accelerant free wood-stove chips.Before itoducing your bunny to the litterbox, watch it and pay attention to where it 'does the do'.(Typically the back or left/right corner) Once you've establised your bunnies favorite area place the box in that area. This will make it easier to get the message. Do NOT use cat litter, it is not safe for your bunny. Newspaper is not safe for rabbits, since they may try to eat it and the ink is toxic to them.
    5. 5
      Put one litterbox in the cage. Put others in locations around the area your rabbit has exercise time in. The more litterboxes you have, the more likely it is the rabbit will use one of them. Extra litterboxes can be used to switch out for ones that need time to air out from cleaning.
    6. 6
      Praise the rabbit for using the litterbox. Since rabbits naturally eliminate while eating, a handful of hay in the litterbox can encourage good habits and reward the rabbit for going in.
    7. 7
      If you see your rabbit getting ready to eliminate outside of the litterbox, try to startle it or shoo it toward the litterbox. You can pick up your rabbit if he's comfortable with that, but it's better if he goes in on his own. Don't try to scold your rabbit after the fact, he won't understand.
    8. 8
      Rabbit urine can be cleaned up with white vinegar. Clean thoroughly to remove the smell, or the rabbit will urinate there again. White vineagar is also good for cleaning litterboxes. Rinse them out afterward so the smell doesn't bother your bunny.
    9. 9
      Some rabbits will leave a few droppings around areas they consider their territory. Rabbit droppings are very dry and can be easily swept up. Put them in the litterbox to help your rabbit get the message.
    10. 10
      Clean frequently used litterboxes at least once a week. During the week, you can scoop out soiled litter.
    11. 11
      Once your rabbit starts using litterboxes reliably, you can alter the number or position of them as needed. If you rabbit only uses two litterboxes and ignores the others, the extras can be removed. If your rabbits ignores one litterbox, but urinates in a corner three feet away, move the litterbox to the corner.